Wednesday, August 22, 2018

My Absence...

I am sure there was much concern and debate over my month long absence from the blog-o-sphere, my apologies.

I did not fall into a black hole, nor did I accidentally drive a Delorean 88 mph.  Simply put I got busy.  With Real Estate the tides can quickly change and we wear many hats.  I was essentially playing P.I in regards to information on a property.  Trying to make sense of information that did not quite add up.

I was examining zoning, deeds, and so much more.  In the end I solved everything I needed to solve but the deal still did not go through.

Being a Realtor is one of the few professions that no matter how much elbow grease and hard work you exert, results and compensation for your work is never guaranteed. 

I will try to be more regular with updates moving forward. 

ps....  I shaved my mustache  :D