Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Changing Brokerages... an inside look

Last month I decided to change brokerages.  I started out with a RE/MAX franchise.  I learned a great deal at RE/MAX and in fact that is where I took my Real Estate classes and got licensed.  Definitely a big factor in me joining RE/MAX initially was the familiarity.

Now, most offices of large Real Estate brands operate, for the most part, independently.  I am not going to bash RE/MAX as a company because in fact I did learn a lot.  However, I joined a smaller brokerage where I felt the office atmosphere lacked a level of ambition or hunger that I needed to sate. 

There were a number of other factors that contributed to me leaving, including monthly dues, commute, etc... Ultimately, the straw that broke the proverbial camels back, was my office decided to increase the admin fee charged to customers.  In Real Estate admin fees can range from 200 dollars to 800 dollars, my office increased theirs from 420 to 495, I felt that 75 dollars was a significant increase. 

I felt that the brokerage was increasing their income per transaction with no benefit to the agents.  That was the reason why I left.

Now, I learned a great deal when leaving.  Despite my brokerage requiring 30 days notice and I submitting said notice, I was terminated immediately upon giving notice.  This severed all ties to RE/MAX included RE/MAX branded email accounts, and a number of other services.  Further, I had prepaid my December dues to RE/MAX which they said they would refund at the time of my final closing with them which was scheduled 2 months later.

Ultimately, as a Realtor, you build your own business, your brokerage is just the support network and atmosphere to foster growth. 

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